Wednesday, September 24, 2008


My representative in the US House of Representatives is Steve J. Israel.  He currently serves in the second district.  He was first elected on November 7th, 2000, and has been serving since.  His most recent re-election was November 7th, 2006.  Steve is also currently up for re-election this year, and will be running as a democrat.

In terms of the upcoming election, the first issue I feel is most prevalent will be health care.  Obama has vowed to help struggling middle and lower class families to pay for their health care even in our current chaotic economic state.  He has been advocating for the average american, and pleading with Washington to put aside their obsession with big business.  McCain has also addressed the current economic woes of the country, and has made it the biggest issue in his campaign.  He says federal spending is a huge problem in todays economy and needs to be reigned in before taxes can be cut.  

The second big issue will be the war in Iraq.  Obama has opposed the war from the beginning, and says there is no possible military answer to the current situation in the Middle East.  The surge strategy brought about by republicans was rejected by Obama and in January of 2007 he proposed an exit strategy, through a timely and efficient withdrawal of troops, with benchmarks set and reached along the way.  McCain on the other hand voted in favor of the 2003 invasion and says that US muscle should remain in Iraq until the country reaches the stability needed to defend itself.  He has also supported President Bush's increase in troop numbers, although he has occasionally criticized the handling of some aspects of the war.  He feels that a withdrawal could trigger genocide in the area.

The third issue with be one of national security.  Obama holds a seat on the Senate of Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.  He has pushed for funding in areas where attacks are more likely, and urged a bipartisan effort.  He has also criticized the highly controversial Patriot Act, although voted for it's reauthorization in 2006.  McCain's time as a Naval pilot and POW in vietnam has proved to be enough for him to lead Republicans in stopping the CIA from using cruel and unusual or degrading punishment of prisoners.  He has even sponsored a law prohibiting the actions.  His support has always been behind the Patriot Act of 2001, and again in 2006.

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