Thursday, September 25, 2008

Gary L. Ackerman (5th Congressional District)

1) Financial Crisis: The 700 Billion Dollar Question. Wall Street vs. Main Street; What's the most logical solution to the problem and what are the long-term repercussions of each option? More importantly, what measures should the United States as a nation take to prevent such issues in the future? Regulation? Deregulation?

2) Medicare. The United States is one of the few remaining nations that does not offer free medical coverage. Should the government take a stronger stance to establish free medical care for all U.S citizens, cap the cost of medication, and, in the process, limit pharmaceutical companies monopoly on health care?

3) Foreign policy, in particular, the "War on Terror". Argue the purpose, strategy, and effectiveness of our foreign policy.

1 comment:

Vin said...

Peter King

Some issues that concern me are:

1. War in Iraq
2. Health care
3. the conomy crisis

- vin