Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Out of my Comfort Zone

I believe we all leave our comfort zone and enter into somebody else's space quite often, however this is my one example. Recently I began a new job, and I must say when entering into a workplace where all of the people are familiar with each other and you are the new person, it can be a bit awkward. But being in some other people's space is not a hard thing always. It is a new experience which can be quite exciting as you adapt to your new surroundings, in this case, after a few days I felt welcome in the once new space to me. Now it just feels like a normal place to me, with  normal faces. Any time a person enters into a new challenge, a new place, a new scenario, we are usually uncomfortable at first, but adapting to a new space it what makes it interesting. I think it is how far you extend out of your comfort zone which makes the adapting so hard or east.

My U.S. representative is Steve Israel. He's okay.

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