Thursday, October 2, 2008

Upcoming Election

Foreign Affairs
NObama because he has no idea where he stands.

Steve Israel


Farone Rasheed said...
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Farone Rasheed said...

"NObama because he has no idea where he stands."

Are you for real? First of all, John McCain delivers more flipflops than IHOP; or maybe he's so senile he can't remember that as early as a week prior to Henry Paulson's request for the bailout he patted himself on the back for being a maverick on deregulation. Now he wants Chris Cox fired for not doing enough. McCain still believes the surge was effective; sure it was effective in killing more people but where does it leave us diplomatically? What's his plan for Iraq? Stay there as long as possible? Any idea how much that would drain America's resources. We add another 1 million dollars to the deficit every minute that goes by. But I don't expect McCain to understand that because "I don't know as much about the economy as I should." He wants tax cuts for the wealthy but has twice opposed the Bush tax cuts that he supposedly supports.

I want to say I oppose McCain's views on offshore drilling but which view? In May, McCain announced “...with those resources, which would take years to develop, you would only postpone or temporarily relieve our dependency on fossil fuels,[Huffington Post, 6/18/08]”
Three weeks later, McCain announced that “there are areas off our coasts that should be open to exploration and exploitation, and I hope we can take the first step by lifting the moratoria.” [Washington Post]

Obama takes a definive stance for the middle-class, exemplified by his voting record. He created the Illinois Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income working families in 2000, offering 105 million dollars in tax relief. Having warned about the present situation of the investment banks, he took some action, introducing the stop fraud act, increasing penalties on mortgage fraud and protecting low-income buyers even before the subprime crisis. His stance against the war from the beginning ASAP was maintained by his vote against the surge. His policies for energy are not dependent on offshore fossil fuels or depletable resources, but on reusable, natural resources including hydrogen, wind, solar, and biodiesel.

To conclude, Obama's voting record indicates he is certainly definitive on his stance and positions.

Gilbert Beilschmidt said...

"NObama because he has no idea where he stands."

Really I couldn't say it any better than Farone so I'm not going to try. But I will take this opportunity to kindy suggest that you pay attention to the news.

tmo said...

obama lives a lie!!!

Laxdragon22 said...

God bless your soul Charlie. Obama is an empty suit. He has no soul. Period endo story mon frere