Saturday, November 29, 2008

November 29, 2008

Thoughts about the past two Thursday classes -- "Gum Control" tings.

As with much of what we do, the purpose is to be aware of how you participate in the activity. The question of how to enforce a rule about gum-chewing is perhaps trivial on one level (if you compare it with academic honesty expectations, for example), moderately engaging on another (if you see the issue as relevant to academic atmosphere and to speaking articulately), and philosophical (if you deal with the broader question of whether any rule should be followed, what the consequences for not following are, and how do you change it if you don't like it).

The group of 35 was given the task; some chose not to engage actively. Others asked questions, expressed opinions, assumed leadership. What kind of leadership is necessary to answer the question? What role did I play in the first session? Sam in the second? What role did you play? How did you feel about your participation? Should we pursue the question until we get an answer? What techniques were used to engage the group?

For students in my Tuesday class - is there a connection to my response to your lack of follow-through on the Kennedy inaugural speech assignment? When is an individual student supposed to take responsibility and when does he or she rely on the teacher or on others? Is absence an excuse? Does it matter if it is not graded? What motivates you to do any assignment?

Higher education and beyond will require initiative and actively assuming responsibility.


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