Thursday, November 6, 2008


During the last LEAPS class, we had to decide as a class what we wanted to do that would promote leadership and unite our grade. I found this task very hard and frustrating. I felt that i contributed but i found it very hard to contribute. I really don't understand why communication between young adults is so difficult. We are all 17 and 18 years old and there are only 35 of us. being quiet and listening to each other should be much to ask. I think we lack respect for each other because we cant wait our turn and hold our opinions until the person who is talking is finished. I had a lot more to contribute and i feel others in the class would have liked to contribute more, but because everyone was talking and having side conversations it was difficult to voice our opinions and suggestions. I would like to see our class have more respect for each other and to listen to one another.

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