Tuesday, November 4, 2008

SLH class Tuesday November 4

Leadership qualities for effective teacher: Keeps you interested, relates to class, extends self to help and provides motivation, knowledge beyond the text, enjoyment, accessibility, patience and understanding (empathy), likeability, high expectations, appropriate leeway and control.

Leadership qualities for an effective student class leader: patience, adaptability, helpful to peers, high expectations, i.e. get the most from each moment, effort, constructive comments, active participation, desire to learn, friendliness, respect of teacher -- participation, focus, productivity.

Leadership qualities for an effective captain of an athletic team: passion for the game and the team, motivator, generator of cohesiveness and camaraderie, high level of skill, commands peer respect, communicator, sets example, loyalty to players and coach, ability to respond to the situation at hand, appropriate showing of emotion, sportsmanship, dedication, commitment.

What's the message??


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