Thursday, September 18, 2008

in myspace

This summer I went to a dance competition in Florida with my dance team. We stayed in Florida for a week with 4 girls in each hotel room. Although we practice and work out together for hours and spend most of our time together, I wasnt really enthused about sharing a room with them for a week. I like my personal space so sharing a bed wasn't really appealing to me. I'm friends with almost all the girls on my team and we spend alot of time togetehr betweeen shows, rehearsals, and fundraisers. Ive never sleptover any of their houses or anything like that so I really didnt like the idea of sharing a bed. As the days went by I got used to sharing a room and a bed. This trip taught me that when youre in a team you do whats best for the team even if you dont like it. I learned not to complain when im in a situation i dont like.

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