Monday, October 13, 2008

Vice Presidential Debate

The Vice Presidential Debate was informative. It helped me form strong opinions of our VP candidates.
Joe Biden answered questions directly and also told us why he thinks McCain (& Palin) is the weaker Presidential candidate. He made Obama seem like the proactive candidate where as McCain the passive candidate. He was a decent debater and got his point across. He did get angry when Palin frequently dodged questions.
Joe Biden had eye contact with the Gwen Ifill instead of the camera. Also, his voice expressed some emotion.
Sarah Palin was peculiar. Her voice sounded like she was hosting a children's educational show. Also she kept smiling and had direct eye contact with the camera.. Her strategy was to appeal to the common people, the "soccer moms". I feel that she is doing so because that is what she feels most comfortable with. I think she would be more interesting if she left her comfort zone.
Palin is very knowledgeable about certain topics; however when asked a question that she is unfamiliar with she avoids the question and talks about a different subject that she knows better.

1 comment:

Laxdragon22 said...

Yazzy Phizzle hows poppa run?