Thursday, September 18, 2008

Comfort Zone

US Representative: Steve Israel; Democrat, elected 2000

Not only was India a unique travel experience, but its food definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. As I have traveled around the world I have tried many different things to eat, but I have never found something that I actually could not identify by sight or smell; Indian food in India presented this challenge. I started out the trip trying all types of Indian food, I was willing to push the envelope and experience new tastes, but after the third day of the trip I could no longer continue to try new things. Little by little I slowly strayed away from trying anything new, and backed up into my comfort zone - eating snacks from my bags...and bread.

1. Immigration - whether or not to limit the people coming from elsewhere
2. Econmy - should the government get involved in bailing out big companies
3. Election - have direct elections, get rid of electoral college

1 comment:

Gilbert Beilschmidt said...

I can defiantly relate with the time i spent in Costa Rica.