Tuesday, September 23, 2008

she was in my space...

Over the summer, Samantha and I decided to go outside of our comfort zones and try Bikram yoga. Not only was the room temperature set at 105 degrees, but the small cramped room was filled with over 30 people, who gave off additional heat. After the first hour, we were pretty used to the heat, however, we were not any more comfortable with our surroundings. Since we were new, the instructor tried to fix our posture by moving parts of our bodies, but to us, it felt like she was groping us in places we didn't want her touching. After a week of intense sweating and wanting to die, Samantha and I realized we actually had a pretty good time, and with each day, we became more comfortablewith ourselves and the other people in the room. Even though we entered a strange place and felt completely isolated, inexperienced and uncomfortable, we left as healthier, more experienced, and more comfortable individuals. (We even got used to the strange instructors touching us, which sounds really weird)  

As for my representative:

Steve Israel represents my area of Long Island 
He is a democrat 

Three Issues:

Opinions about the war (ending it or continuing it)
Equal Rights (gay marriage)
Health Care Reforms

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