Wednesday, October 15, 2008


the vice presidential debates were not all that exciting or particularly informative. i don't have much to say about biden, except that he basically shares many of my views (probably because they're basically the same as his running mate's) but i strongly dislike palin. i don't think she really has any idea what she's talking about, especially because she keeps contradicting mccain's own positions on issues. the fact that she was being held to such a low standard (tina fey parodies) made people think that she performed extremely well in the debate, when, in actuality, all she really had to do to rise above this standard was to not fall flat on her face. palin didn't actually say anything with any real substance, she's just become very proficient at sidestepping questions and playing up her role as the understanding, home-y type, which doesn't hide her ignorance. alaskan hockey moms shouldn't be in the white house.


tmo said...

but she still rose above yeee slice

Laxdragon22 said...

You better watch it young lassy before i get sahil to kick your back door in!